Should You Buy Breast Milk for Your Baby? Know the Benefits & Risks
Breast milk is essential for a baby’s cognitive development and motor skills, but what if it isn’t available or insufficient? If you buy breast milk, what kind it should be – pasteurized or not? Find the right answers below. Breastfeeding is essential for babies for a minimum of 6 months. This helps them develop immunity from various viruses and infections and build cognitive and motor skills. However, not all mothers can provide sufficient or complete breast milk for babies. Therefore, one thinks to opt for another lactating mother’s milk or buy breast milk available in the marketplace. Contamination is a primary issue that most parents aren’t known to or do not think of it as a problem. Technically, pasteurization and proper storage of breast milk mitigate the risk of existing pathogens while retaining bioactivity (reduced). So, is buying pasteurized breast milk considered ideal? If compared to the alternatives in giving contaminated milk or not, the parents must choose the la...